
Opportunities for students

Companies have a lot of programs that provide scholarships or some form of support for people who are interested in tech.

Job Fairs

During my 1st and 2nd years I usually have gone to job fairs just to take some cool swag from companies. Please don’t be like past me. Job fairs are an excellent opportunity for you to meet and speak with your future employers. It means that if you have any questions about the company or recruiting process they will be answered on the spot and you can even get the contacts of recruiters or referrers.

I have also read several forums on this topic and have picked up a good habit of printing resumes for any job fair that I am going to. This way, you can impress recruiters and apply them to the companies on spot, which means that your resume/portfolio will be looked at. It is considerably better than to get your resume blended in with others when you apply online.


This program is a co-op program between KAIST (and some other universities) and companies. The program is actually a great jumpstart for your career, as the university takes some burden off you in terms of bureaucracy, and also you are provided with the platform to apply to the companies.

Useful Resources

Awesome Computer Science Opportunities - An awesome list of events and fellowship opportunities for Computer Science students

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